1 . 50 Essential DSA Questions from NeetCode for Interview Success

1 . 50 Essential DSA Questions from NeetCode for Interview Success

Arrays & Hashing

  1. Contains Duplicate

  2. Valid Anagram

  3. Two Sum

  4. Group Anagrams

  5. Top K Frequent Elements

  6. Valid Sudoku

  7. Product of Array Except Self

  8. Longest Consecutive Sequence

Two Pointers

  1. Valid Palindrome

  2. Two Sum II (Input Array Is Sorted)

  3. 3Sum

  4. Container With Most Water

Sliding Window

  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

  2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

  3. Longest Repeating Character Replacement


  1. Valid Parentheses

  2. Min Stack

  3. Daily Temperatures

  1. Binary Search

  2. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

  3. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Linked List

  1. Reverse Linked List

  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists

  3. Reorder List

  4. Remove Nth Node From End of List

  5. Linked List Cycle

  6. LRU Cache


  1. Invert Binary Tree

  2. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

  3. Diameter of Binary Tree

  4. Balanced Binary Tree

  5. Same Tree

  6. Subtree of Another Tree

  7. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

  8. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

  9. Binary Tree Right Side View

Heap / Priority Queue

  1. Kth Largest Element in a Stream

  2. Last Stone Weight

  3. Kth Largest Element in an Array


  1. Number of Islands

  2. Max Area of Island

  3. Clone Graph

  4. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

  5. Course Schedule

  6. Course Schedule II